2011年4月25日 星期一

Reached 500 Plus Visits in Less Than 1.5 Months! 賀! 不到一個半月已突破500人次!

Not too long ago, I had a discussion with the Director of Academic Office regarding the concept of having blogs for the students. After numerous trials and modifications, we finally launched "WOW DJ Josh" and "H.E.L.C.” on March 15th, 2011. Today, these two blogs will allow everyone to find out more about cultures in other countries and what is happening in H.E.L.C.

Starting from a simple concept "Music", I started gathering songs that I would like to introduce to students. Today, the blog not only provides music, but it also serves the community with music, animation, funny clips, and many other multimedia components. On April 25th, 2011, we reached our 500th visit in just less than one and half months. Given that the student body has only 726 people, including students and faculty members, this demonstrates that the blog has been a success.

In addition, the H.E.L.C. blog was first intended for the purpose of keeping track of the progress of students in class from a day-to-day basis. Today, this blog is now serving as a showcase platform, demonstrating the activities and the results happening in H.E.L.C., and furthermore, displaying more and more activities that are targeted at our local community. Also within one and half months, we have reached our 300th visit mark!

We sincerely appreciate your support and your comments. We hope to serve you better with whatever we can. Thank you!


"WOW DJ Josh 音樂網" 是以一個純粹以介紹音樂做出發點,到現在匯集各種不團國際文化的影音多媒體部落格,藉此同學多了個管道可以用英語體會不同的文化。從3月15日第一次正式發表, 到滿一個月的前夕, "WOW DJ Josh 音樂網" 已經衝破300人次,至今4月25日已經突破500人次!

另外 "HELC 英語情境部落格"原先規劃要記錄校內同學上課情形,到現在因為情境中心正值推廣全方面與社區結合的,英語情境中心也做為情境中心對外展示成果的平台。短短一個月時間,也衝破了300人次。以師生人數規模比例,成果顯著!


