2011年5月18日 星期三

[WoW DJ Josh] Reached 1000th Visit! 突破1000人次來訪!

On April 25th, 2011, [WoW DJ Josh] had reached our 500th visit in just less than 1.5 month after this blog was launched. Today, on May 19, 2011, the blog has more than 1000 visits after another month. Thank you all for your support. I will continue to provide more interesting and intriguing content to you. Please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. Thanks.

2011年四月25日,[WoW DJ Josh 影音部落格] 短短的在上線後的一個半月突破500人次。今天2011年五月19日,不到一個月後,突破了第1000人次。感謝各位的支持與愛護。我會繼續用心的帶給各位更有趣,更有精采的內容給大家。也歡迎各位在部落格留言,讓我知道您的想法以及寶貴的意見。感謝各位!

2011年5月16日 星期一

[U.S. 美國] [Culture] American Football 美式足球

In Taiwan, most of people are confused between American Football and Rugby.

Generally, American Football is a sport that's only played in the North America.
一般來說, 美式足球只有在北美才看的到.

Although American Football is a modification of Rugby, they are two totally different sports.

The obvious distinction between American Football and Rugby is that American Football players do wear helmets while Rugby players don't wear helmets.

Also, the sizes of the balls are very different as well.

(Left: Football, Right: Rugby)
(左邊: 美式足球, 右邊:橄欖球)

Hopefully, next time when you see them, you can tell the difference.

2011年5月14日 星期六

[U.S. 美國] [Culture] What Makes Us American

The USA is a muti-culture country, mixed with people from all over the world. So the question is, what makes America special? Perhaps, we can find out through this short video.

[U.S. 美國] [Patriotic] Celine Dion - God Bless America

It has been almost ten years since 2001, when 9/11 happened.

Back then, I was only an 8th grader .

Not only that it was my first year in New York, but it was also my first month in the U.S.

911 has changed so many peoples' lives, including mine.

Throughout these years, I've heard many songs that unites people's hearts during these tough moments, but this one is by far my favorite.

In the video, Celine Dion sings "God Bless America" aboard the USS Harry S. Truman, a national salute to the US Military"
在這個短片裡,Celine Dion 席琳·狄翁登上杜魯門號航空母艦,唱著"God Bless America"向美軍致敬。